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    retainer Tag

    How Can Preventative Orthodontics Help Your Child?

    How Can Preventative Orthodontics Help Your Child?

    Many parents think that orthodontic treatment of kids only begins when they have grown all their permanent teeth. Unfortunately, this is not true. The fact is that dental professionals recommend that parents should bring in their kids early for an orthodontic checkup so that underlying issues can be identified and...

    Help! I've Lost My Retainer, What Next

    Help! I’ve Lost My Retainer, What Next?

    Just like teeth braces or Invisalign aligners, retainers are an equally important component of orthodontic treatment. While braces and aligners are active appliances, they exert force on the teeth to move and realign them; retainers are passive appliances. This means that retainers do not exert any force on the teeth....